National Indigenous Peoples Day
On June 21, everyone is welcome to gather at Spirit Square for an afternoon of fun and celebratory events.
Keep informed with the latest district news &at your fingertips.
On June 21, everyone is welcome to gather at Spirit Square for an afternoon of fun and celebratory events.
Bylaw No. 468 proposes to amend Bylaw No. 1, being Regional Board Procedure Bylaw 2011
SRD will allow voting by mail ballot as an option for any qualified elector who prefers to use this form of voting.
CityWest officially launched Internet services in Lax Kw’alaams last Friday June 10th.
Sunday June 26, 2022, in Maple Park (Electoral Area D) from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Watch for CityWest staff door-to-door in your community next week answering questions & registering homes for free fibre installations.
The SRD is encouraging community members to FireSmart their properties by bringing excess yard wood debris to the end of driveways on the following dates:
In partnership with the Campbell River Hospital Foundation (CRHF), fundraising efforts are underway to cover the capital costs estimated at $2 million for Strathcona Regional District’s Just Like Home Adult Lodge.
Alertable notifications were sent out to 6,200 emails, 7,000 SMS Text Messages, 2,400 App Notifications, and 1,700 Phone Calls in the Regional District on May 30th.
Areas affected by proposed Bylaws: The subject areas are legally described as Part Sections 25 and 26, Township 4, Comox Land District as shown on Maps 1 & 2.
May 25, 2022 Board and Committee Meetings Now Available Online
Public Notice is hereby given that on June 15, 2022 the SRD Board of Directors may proceed with final passage and adoption of Bylaw No. 460.
Further information regarding Bylaw No. 457 or this alternative approval process may be obtained by contacting the SRD.
May 11, 2022 Board and Committee Meetings Now Available Online
The project has now reached the remote village of Hartley Bay with over 250 kilometres of subsea fibre laid to date, a project made possible with funding from the provincial and federal governments.
April 27, 2022 Board and Committee Meetings Now Available Online
Interested in presenting your ideas and priorities for the next provincial budget? Visit to indicate your interest in presenting to the Finance Committee by Friday, May 6.
The SRD gratefully acknowledges the contributions made by all our volunteers who have provided valuable expertise and support of SRD projects and initiatives
The Expo is scheduled from 11 am to 3 pm on Saturday May 14th at the Quadra Island Community Centre at 970 West Road.
RFP 02-22 - Cortes Island Wildfire Fuel Treatment