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Wood Stove Exchange Program

Are you swapping your old wood stove for a new, low emission model? Receive a $250 rebate through the Wood Stove Exchange Program being offered to property owners on a first-come, first served basis to people in the villages of Gold River, Tahsis, Sayward, Zeballos and the four electoral areas in the SRD. More info… 

Trail Closure

The Fisherman’s Trail in Oyster River Nature Park is closed today for repairs and will re-open tomorrow Wed Nov 17

Public Hearing - Bylaw 385 and Bylaw 424

BYLAW NO. 385 – QUADRA ISLAND ZONING BYLAW 1990, Amendment No. 133 BYLAW NO. 424 – QUADRA ISLAND ZONING BYLAW 1990, Amendment No. 136 Date: Wednesday, November 24, 2021 Location:  Via Internet: Via telephone: 1-844-636-6317 (toll-free) Conference ID: 755 078 700# Public Hearing for Bylaw Nos. 385 to commence at:  7:00 p.m. Public Hearing for… 

SRD Re-elects Chair & Vice Chair

The SRD Board of Directors held its inaugural meeting today where they elected a Chair and Vice-Chair for the 2021/2022 year by acclamation.