SRD Marketing & Communications Tools
The following social media channels are used to keep the community informed:
Strathcona Regional District
- Facebook – @StrathconaRegionalDistrict
- Instagram – @StrathconaRD
- X (formerly Twitter) – @StrathconaRD
- YouTube – @strathconaregionaldistrict7134
Strathcona Gardens Recreation Complex
- Facebook @strathconagardensrec
- Instagram @strathconagardens
SRD Social Media Public Commenting Guidelines
The purpose of our social media pages are to enable dialogue between the Strathcona Regional District (SRD) and community members, businesses, and/or others as identified. Our public commenting guidelines on our social media pages are as follows:
- The SRD reserves the right to remove or restrict any Content posted by social media users, including but not limited to when such content falls within the scope of Inappropriate Use as defined in the SRD’s Social Media Policy.
- Users may be asked to refrain from posting inappropriate comments when needed and that the SRD may mute, block, or ban such users for violating the SRD’s Social Media commenting guidelines.
- The SRD Communications Department has the authority to delete any content posted by any commenter on SRD Social Media Accounts that does not adhere to the posted public commenting guidelines which include any and all Inappropriate Use.
“Inappropriate Use” means one or more of the following:
- Profane language or Content
- Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of Indigenous identity, race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, place of residence, socioeconomic background, or linguistic background
- Abusive or hurtful comments directed toward an individual, the SRD, or another organization
- Sexual Content
- Advertising or soliciting on behalf of businesses or not-for-profit organizations
- Promoting non-regional activities such as fundraisers, webinars, digital or in-person events, or other community-led initiatives
- Promoting business, political, or other partisan interests
- Conduct or encouragement of illegal activity
- Information that could compromise the safety or security of the public or public system
- Receiving ‘on-the-record’ official feedback
- Content that reveals personal or confidential information about any particular person, or that is otherwise protected by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act or any other applicable privacy legislation
- Content that reveals confidential information, including but not limited to in-camera items, personnel matters, and SRD Emergency Management internal information
- Content for the purposes of promoting a political candidate for a municipal, provincial, or federal election, or for Board member appointments
- Posting material that is not topically related to the Content
- Content that is defamatory
- Content by anonymous or fake accounts
- Content that violates any SRD policy
“Content” means words, images, video, audio, or links that are published online.
SRD News & Notices
- Stay informed about the latest Strathcona Regional District news: Visit the News & Notices Page
- Sign-up to receive SRD news by e-mail: click here to sign-up.