Connect My Home (Last-Mile)
High Speed Internet Arrives Soon to SRD Communities
The Strathcona Regional District (SRD) and partner CityWest, a rural and small community telecommunication specialist, has secured financing and in some communities has been awarded grant funding to build the last mile infrastructure necessary to get the fibre from the Connected Coast landing sites to homes and businesses in the Strathcona Regional District.
CityWest will bring urban-quality and reliable Internet, phone and television services to SRD residents. Their high-speed Internet, TV and phone services will be delivered through the communities of Quadra Island, Cortes Island, Tahsis, Gold River, Zeballos, Ehattesaht First Nation, Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’/Che:k:tles7et’h’ First Nations, Walters Cove, Sayward Valley and Sayward, by connecting directly to the Connected Coast undersea fibre optic project.
The SRD is currently working on partnerships and funding opportunities with neighbourhoods and First Nation communities located in the SRD.
The subsea fibre optic link will run directly from the shore landing to homes and businesses ensuring residents a reliable, fast connection. As part of the construction phase, an underground “drop” (a buried fibre-optic cable that runs from the street to a property line) will be installed making homes or businesses fibre-ready. After signing up for services, the drop from property lines to homes and businesses will be installed, providing a secure, underground connection.