Delegation Requests
Delegation Guidelines
1.Delegations wishing to make a presentation to the Board of directors must provide a written request or submit the Delegation Request form prior to publication of the agenda for the meeting at which the delegation wishes to appear. The request should be addressed as follows: Corporate Officer Strathcona Regional District 990 Cedar Street Campbell River, BC V9W 7Z8 or e-mail to: administration@srd.ca.
2. The request should clearly identify the name of the delegation/group, purpose of the delegation, and the names and contract information of the individuals comprising the delegation. The request should clearly indicate what is being sought from the Regional District (eg. funding, a letter of support, a change in bylaw or to provide information only). If seeking financial assistance, please attach a budget for your project which shows expected sources of revenue. Delegations are not intended to be opportunities for debate, discussion, or questioning of the Board regarding its policies or decisions.
3. Confirmation of the presentation schedule will be provided when the meeting agenda has been published.
4. Handouts – should the delegation wish to have materials circulated to Board members, please ensure that they are provided to the Corporate Officer as soon as possible prior to the Board meeting so they can be circulated with the agenda. PowerPoint presentations should be emailed to administration@srd.ca. Paper copies of presentations may be provided as backup in case of system failure.
5. Equipment – should the delegation require presentation equipment (eg. overhead projector, presentation projector or flipchart stand), please advise the Corporate Officer well in advance so that arrangements can be made and electronic equipment tested prior to the meeting.
6. Delegations are permitted a maximum of ten (10) minutes to make their presentation.
7. Delegations are generally heard at the beginning of the meeting (this may vary depending on the contents of the agenda for any given meeting).
8. Following the presentation delegations may be questioned by Board members. After all questioning is complete the delegation will be asked to be seated. Decisions on the subject matter of the presentation may or may not be made at the same meeting depending on a variety of factors including the need for additional evaluation. Members of the delegation are welcome to stay and listen to the remainder of the public meeting.
Thank you for taking time to prepare yourself and the Board Members for your presentation.
Points to note:
- Typically, delegations to the Regional District directors occur at a regular meeting of the Regional Board or the Electoral Areas Services Committee. There are several meetings each month (please check our website events calendar to confirm meeting dates)
- In order to ensure adequate time is available to conduct the regular business of the Strathcona Regional District, the number of delegations at any given meeting may be limited. Please contact us early to avoid disappointment.
- Presentation equipment is available on a limited basis. Arrangements MUST be made in advance.
- Preparedness will maximize your allocated presentation time.
Your Regional Board:
- Director Mark Baker, (Chair) Village of Sayward
- Director Matthew Jack, (Vice Chair) Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’/Che:k’tles7et’h First Nations
- Director Julie Colborne, Village of Zeballos
- Director Doug Chapman, City of Campbell River
- Director Kermit Dahl, City of Campbell River
- Director Martin Davis, Village of Tahsis
- Director Ron Kerr, City of Campbell River
- Director Ben Lanyon, City of Campbell River
- Director Michael Lott, Village of Gold River
- Director Robyn Mawhinney, Electoral Area C (Discovery Island – Mainland Inlets)
- Director John Rice, Electoral Area D (Oyster River – Buttle Lake)
- Director Susan Sinnott, City of Campbell River
- Director Mark Vonesch, Electoral Area B (Cortes Island)
- Director Gerald Whalley, Electoral Area A (Kyuquot/Nootka-Sayward)