November 24 2021 — Public Hearing – Bylaw 385 and Bylaw 424
Public Hearing - Bylaw 385 and Bylaw 424
BYLAW NO. 385 – QUADRA ISLAND ZONING BYLAW 1990, Amendment No. 133
BYLAW NO. 424 – QUADRA ISLAND ZONING BYLAW 1990, Amendment No. 136
Date: Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Location: Via Internet:
Via telephone: 1-844-636-6317 (toll-free)
Conference ID: 755 078 700#
Public Hearing for Bylaw Nos. 385 to commence at: 7:00 p.m.
Public Hearing for Bylaw 424 to commence immediately following the close of the public hearing for Bylaw 385.
Area affected by Bylaw 385: The subject area is legally described as District Lot 1905, Range 1, Coast District including unsurveyed Crown foreshore or land covered by water being part of the bed of Cordero Channel, extending 60 metres from shore and containing 6.9 hectares, more or less, as shown on Map 1 below.
Area affected by Bylaw 424: The subject area is described as a 50-metre wide strip of unsurveyed Crown foreshore or land covered by water being part of the bed of Johnstone Strait, Range 1, Coast District, containing 0.4 hectares, more or less as shown on Map 2 below.
Purpose of Bylaw 385: Bylaw No. 385, if adopted, would rezone the subject area from Rural Three (RU-3) and Access Two (AC-2) to Rural Five (RU-5), Rural Four (RU-4) and Access One (AC-1) to facilitate a subdivision of the parcel into three lots, including a private dock.
Purpose of Bylaw 424: Bylaw No. 424, if adopted, would rezone the subject area from Access Two (AC-2) to Access One (AC-1) to facilitate the installation of a private dock.
Map 1 Map 2
Copies of the proposed bylaws and related information are available for inspection by appointment at the Strathcona Regional District Customer Service Centre, located at #102 – 990 Cedar Street, Campbell River, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays, from November 10, 2021 until 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 24, 2021.
The public hearings will be held by a delegation of Electoral Area directors representing the Strathcona Regional District Board. Attendance at the public hearings will be available by telephone, and also virtually by pasting this link into your internet browser: Anyone who believes their interests are affected by the proposed bylaws will be given an opportunity to be heard at the public hearings virtually via the link and/or telephone number provided above, through a call-in feature as provided during the comments portion of the hearing.
Written submissions from persons who are attending the hearings must be delivered by hand or electronically to the Regional District office no later than 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 24, 2021 in order to be considered as part of the public hearing record. The Strathcona Regional District cannot consider any representations made after the close of the public hearings.
Inquiries should be directed to:
Aniko Nelson, Senior Manager, Community Services
Strathcona Regional District
301 – 990 Cedar Street, Campbell River BC V9W 7Z8
Tel: 250-830-6700 | 1-877-830-2990 | Fax: 250-830-6710
Web: | Email: