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Financial Planning

View the SRD's current and past financial plans.

The SRD Financial Plans

Our financial plans are comprehensive planning tools which provide guidance for the Regional District when considering service requests, operational priorities and strategic initiatives. Each year, the Regional District goes through a financial planning process to prepare a financial plan legislatively required to be approved and adopted by the Board by March 31.

Budget Process

Please refer to the posted SRD Board meeting minutes for more information about the budget meetings and established timelines.

Budgeting Process

The Financial Planning process generally begins in the fall of each year for the development of the next five-year plan. Budget information is published with Committee and Board meeting agendas and minutes as the planning process progresses. These meetings are open to the public and comments and questions are welcome. The Five-Year Financial Plan Bylaw must be adopted by March 31 of each year.

Budget Workshops

Every year, a series of financial planning workshops are held, usually in November, to help better understand and consider Electoral Area services, regional services and recreational services at Strathcona Gardens. Strategic business cases for new or enhanced services or projects are also considered as this time. The information gathered at these workshops are then compiled into what becomes the recommended Financial Plan package.

Budget Process Questions

Please contact Chief Financial Officer, Mike Harmston at