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Let’s Talk Cannabis – Quadra Island

Info on land use regulation for legal recreational cannabis.

Quadra Island residents were invited to an interactive drop-in session on October 9, 2019 at the Quadra Island Community Centre to start the conversation with SRD staff concerning how to regulate land use for legal recreational cannabis activities on Quadra.

Panels, interactive stations, comments forms and a variety of reference materials were set up to inform and gather community input. Demographic information was shared along with any concerns or preferences residents had in regards to specific aspects of land use regulation for legal recreational cannabis activities on Quadra.

Electoral Area C Director, Jim Abram

Open House Outcome
40-60 people dropped by to contribute to the conversation. Participants self-identified themselves to be in the age range of 20 to over 70 and most lived in the very south portion of Quadra Island.

Next Steps
Input received from the Quadra Island community at the drop-in was extremely valuable and helpful. SRD staff are currently reviewing the submitted comment forms, input from stations and conversations held. The input will be used to help SRD develop a strategy for how to move forward with this initiative and additional interaction with the community will be planned.

How does this initiative relate to the Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP) being prepared for Electoral Area C?
Electoral Area C does not have an overarching vision or plan. The intention of the ICSP is to provide an over-arching sustainability-based vision for the entire Electoral Area C. The outcome of the ICSP will be a high-level plan focused on the community’s social, economic, cultural and environmental values – more like an official community plan than zoning regulation. The plan will guide long-term decision making, expressing the community’s values and sustainability goals.

Land use regulation of legal recreational cannabis is a far narrower topic that will involve amendment to the existing zoning bylaw that applies to only a portion of Electoral Area C.

For questions or more information on land use regulation for legal recreational cannabis activities on Quadra Island, please contact Mary Jo Van Order, SRD Planner at 250-830-6707 or