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North Quadra Island Open Burning Regulation Feedback

Survey submissions ended Friday, March 27, 2020

The survey period has expired and we thank all of those who participated. Results will be gathered for a report to be presented to the Board in due course.

Survey submissions ended Friday, March 27, 2020.

For the last couple of years, in response to a petition from Quadra Island residents, the Strathcona Regional District (SRD) has been investigating the possibility of enacting burning regulations for residents and property owners in the northern part of Quadra Island.

To date, SRD staff have attended several community meetings to assess support for this proposal and have received mixed feedback. In November 2018 the Regional District received a proposal from the South Quadra Island Improvement District to provide enforcement of SRD burning regulations for the portion of Quadra Island located outside of the existing fire protection area. That proposal, if implemented, would have cost a residential tax rate of about $15.60 per 10,000 of assessed property value for the first year and $6.40 per 10,000 annually thereafter. However, that proposal included year-round response to fires which would have necessitated acquisition of additional resources.

Since there appears to be a diversity of opinion on the matter of fire regulation for the north Quadra Island area, the SRD is conducting a formal survey of residents and property owners to better gauge the level of support for this initiative. The results of the survey would hopefully justify further investigation of this issue or, alternatively, indicate that there is insufficient interest to warrant further efforts by the Regional District.

Surveys were submitted by:

  • Mail – North Quadra Island addresses only
    Surveys were mailed to north Quadra Island property owners (after Feb. 15) with a return self-addressed envelope included.


  • Online – All Quadra Island residents and property owners

All responses were treated confidentially but respondents were asked to provide the civic address of their property so that we can properly correlate the data.

For more information on this project, please contact Shaun Koopman, SRD Protective Services Coordinator at 250-830-6702 or