Notice of Proposed Disposition – Port Neville Wharf Facility
Public notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors for the Strathcona Regional District is scheduled to consider final passage and adoption of Bylaw No. 559, being Port Neville Wharf Disposition Agreement Authorization Bylaw 2024, at its meeting of Wednesday, July 24, 2024. Bylaw No. 559 would authorize the Regional District to enter into an agreement whereby it intends to transfer all of its legal interests in the Port Neville wharf facility to the Tlowitsis First Nation for the sum of $1.00 following completion of improvements to the facility. The Port Neville wharf facility comprises a dock structure, pilings and foreshore tenure of Crown land located within Electoral Area C (Discovery Islands-Mainland Inlets) of the Strathcona Regional District at 50°30’00’ north latitude and 126°05’00’ west longitude approximately.
Persons having an interest in this matter may respond in writing to the SRD Corporate Office (990 Cedar St. Campbell River, BC V9W 7Z8) not later than Wednesday, July 17, 2024. Further information regarding Bylaw No. 559 or the proposed disposition of this public facility is available below under Resources and may also be obtained by contacting the Regional District.