Fire Bans & Protection
Fire Service Areas
The Strathcona Regional District provide fire services across three areas:
- A portion of Electoral Area A (Sayward Valley) through a contract with the Village of Sayward. See Fire Service Map >
- A portion of Electoral Area B (Cortes Island) through a contract with the Cortes Island Fire Fighting Association. See Fire Service Map >
- A portion of Electoral Area D through a contract with the City of Campbell River. See Fire Service Map >
For the City of Campbell River, and the Villages of Tahsis, Zeballos, Sayward and Gold River, each has its own fire department providing services within the municipal boundary. The Quadra Island Fire Department provides fire services to a southern portion of Quadra Island.
See a zoomable map of all SRD fire services>
Fire Bans and Restrictions
The following Electoral Areas in the Strathcona Regional District reside under provincial legislation (BC Wildfire Act) because the SRD does not have a bylaw for these areas that speaks to the lighting and open fire.
- All of Electoral Area A (Sayward Valley)
- All of Electoral Area B (Cortes Island)
- All of Electoral Area C (Quadra & Discovery Islands) EXCEPT the area within the Quadra Island Improvement District
- All of Electoral Area D (Oyster Bay / Buttle Lake) EXCEPT for the area within the Black Creek / Oyster Bay Fire Protection Local Area.
To learn more about or view current bans and restrictions for these areas:
- call the Coastal Fire Centre at 250-951-4222
- visit http://bcfireinfo.for.gov.bc.ca/hprScripts/wildfirenews/Bans.asp
To access the BlueSky Canada Smoke Forecast: Click Here
Electoral Area C – Quadra Island Improvement District
The Quadra Island Fire Department provides fire services to a southern portion of Quadra Island located in the Quadra Island Improvement District as well as areas under the jurisdiction of We Wai Kai Fist Nation through a contractual arrangement. You can find current fire bans and restrictions for this area at on Quadra Island Fire Department’s website https://www.quadrafire.org/current-conditions.php or by following them on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/quadraislandfd
Electoral Area D – Black Creek / Oyster Bay Fire Protection Local Area
In the Black Creek / Oyster Bay Fire Protection Local Area, where authority for operating fire protection service was assigned by letters patent to the Comox Valley Regional District on February 15, 2008 that also included the authority to regulate open burning.
View current bans and restrictions for the Black Creek / Oyster Bay Fire Protection Local Area:
- At www.oysterriverfire.ca.
- To report a burning violation, contact the Oyster River Fire Department’s Duty Officer at 250-830-7155.
Other Community Fire Bans & Restrictions
Current fire bans and restrictions for each community are listed on their websites or Facebook pages, please see links below.
City of Campbell River
- https://www.campbellriver.ca/city-services/public-safety/fire-services
- Facebook https://www.facebook.com/City-of-Campbell-River-City-Hall-218693901480694