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Electoral Area B

Information pertaining to Area B - Cortes Island.

Cortes Island and the Surround Archipelago

Electoral Area B includes all of Cortes Island and the surrounding Archipelago Islands and is the smallest region within the Strathcona Regional District (SRD) at just under 330 square kilometres.

Cortes Island is a magical place where residents and visitors enjoy a spectacular selection of marine, lake and forest parks and trails. The island has just over 1,000 full-time residents and has several small villages, including Whaletown, Manson’s Landing, Squirrel Cove and Cortes Bay.

Cortes Island is home to many parks, 11 of which are maintained by the SRD. Parks range in diversity from dense forests highlighted by old growth cedars to expansive marine areas. Recreational opportunities include superb hiking, mountain biking, swimming, camping and kayaking.


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