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Electoral Area C

See the Discovery Islands-Mainland Inlets regional information.

Discovery Islands and Mainland Inlets

Electoral Area C in the largest electoral area within the Strathcona Regional District (SRD), and covers approximately 10,650 square kilometres, including Quadra Island, Read Island, Redonda Island, Port Neville, Refuge Cove, Hardwick Island, East & West Thurlow Islands & Mainland Inlets.

The region boasts several islands and the intricate waterways that are known for amazing beaches, wildlife viewing and natural beauty. There is also an abundance of on-land activities to enjoy such as endless mountain biking trails, climbing sites, hiking routes, camping and parks. Visitors will find everything from fishing and kayak lodges to a floating post office.

The SRD helps to manage and maintain several parks and wharves on Quadra and Read Islands.


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