Electoral Area D
Information pertaining to Area D from Oyster Bay to Buttle Lake.
South of Campbell River to Oyster Bay, from the Strait of Georgia to Buttle Lake
Strathcona Regional District (SRD) Electoral Area D covers just under 1,850 square kilometres. The area runs from Jubilee Parkway to the Oyster River and east into the Strathcona Provincial Park.
Within this vibrant and beautiful area there is an abundance of recreational opportunities, ranging from swimming potholes, waterfall adventures and beautiful ocean beaches, to miles of mountain bike and hiking trails, wildlife viewing and water sports such as kayaking, boating and fishing.
The region is home to eight parks which are maintained by the SRD, and they provide something for everyone: community gardening, playgrounds, walking trails, open space, sporting fields, outdoor fitness equipment, tennis and basketball courts.
Area D Parks & Recreation Opportunities