SRD Housing Needs Assessment Project Launch
The SRD is inviting all Electoral Area residents, community organizations and First Nations to complete a survey to help us better understand housing in the Regional District.
The Strathcona Regional District (SRD) was awarded $60,000 from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to assess the housing need in all four Electoral Areas within the SRD. Engagement activities, report writing, and sharing findings back to participating stakeholders will be completed by M’akola Development Services (MDS) on behalf of the SRD. MDS is a non-profit planning and housing development consultancy with over 30 years of experience building and operating affordable housing on Vancouver Island.
As the first step in this process, the SRD is inviting all Electoral Area residents, community organizations and First Nations to complete a survey to help us better understand housing in the Regional District. This survey asks questions to clarify:
- The current state of housing in each Electoral Area, including the condition of current housing stock, costs, and adequacy to meet household needs (such as size, accessibility, and proximity to amenities);
- Anticipated future housing needs; and
- The number of Area residents who live in core housing need and extreme housing need.
Survey responses are completely confidential and will take about 10-15 minutes to complete. Respondents will be eligible to win one of two $100 gift cards!
This survey is available on the SRD’s website at:
Hard copies are also available by calling 250-830-6701 and can be returned to the SRD Corporate Office at:
SRD Corporate Office
Attn: Meredith Starkey
301-990 Cedar Street
Campbell River, BC V9W 7Z8
For more information or any questions about the project can be directed to:
Sandy Mackay, MDS Project lead Housing Research and Policy Lead M’akola Development Services 778-265-7489 |
Meredith Starkey, Manager, Planning and Parks Strathcona Regional District 778-346-9143 |