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SRD Receives funding for Cortes Island Active Transportation Planning

The SRD is excited to announce that they have received $20,000 through the Union of BC Municipalities under the 2021 Active Transportation Planning program.

Campbell River, BC – The Strathcona Regional District (SRD) is excited to announce that they have received $20,000 through the Union of BC Municipalities under the 2021 Active Transportation Planning program.

The 2021 Active Transportation Planning Program is intended to support local governments to incorporate or enhance active transportation components of formal planning documents (Official Community Plan, Sustainability Plan, Neighbourhood Plan, or Transportation Plan), including research, consultation, and policy development. BC’s active transportation strategy has a goal of doubling the percentage of trips taken with active transportation by 2030. To reach this target, the strategy includes providing planning and design support to ensure that community planning addresses active transportation constraints and opportunities.

The SRD will consider including active transportation policies in the Official Community Plan (OCP) for Electoral Area B (Cortes Island) when that bylaw is next reviewed.  This project funding will be used to support the Regional District’s objective of increasing options for active transport and encouraging more people to use active transport modes of travel, which in turn supports the objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

This funding will enable the District to implement a series of recommendations made in the Cortes Island Transportation Demand Study completed in 2017, for instance to develop an inventory of existing walking and cycling routes, user support facilities (i.e. bike parking and repair facilities), and road condition/safety information (such as high traffic areas) which will enable current active transport travellers to make more effective use of the network, and makes it easier for potential users to plan active transport trips.

“The Strathcona Regional District is delighted to receive funding to support Active Transportation Planning on Cortes Island,” said Brad Unger, SRD Board Chair.  “Active Transportation is important to the community and a crucial piece in meeting the environmental and health goals of the Cortes Island Official Community Plan. Through this funding, the District will be able to better support those currently walking and cycling, while encouraging more people to choose active transportation modes more often. “

Funding for this program is provided by the Province of BC as administered by Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM).  Eligible activities under this grant are limited to research, public engagement, and policy development. The development or update of stand-alone active transportation plans, engineering and design, and construction of capital assets, are not eligible for funding.

To learn more about Electoral Area B – Cortes Island’s Official Community Plan or other land use and zoning information, please visit


Media contact:
Meredith Starkey
SRD Manager of Planning and Parks
778.346.9143 |