Surge Narrows Marine Revitalization Project (SNMR) – Community Lunch Oct 17
Get Involved!
Join us at the Surge Narrows Bunkhouse to learn more and share your thoughts.
Surge Narrows Marine Revitalization Project Community Lunch
Tuesday, October 17th from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm.
- Presentation of Conceptual Plan and Budget
- Discussion
- Project Timeline
- Q&A
- Creation of Subcommittee
- Next Steps
Project Overview
This project is to reconstruct the historic Surge Narrows Store building, including the standing pier and floating dock used to access the building and other local community amenities. The Surge Narrows Store has a long history of servicing the community in the Discovery Islands. Originally established in the late 1920’s, the store was an icon of the community for almost a century. Since its closure in 2007, there has been community interest in local government acquisition of the facility to provide a community hub in the area. In 2018 the SRD acquired the store, including the wharf/water-based tenure and the upland property.
This project will revitalize the SRD’s tenure area, and will include:
- Remediation of the tenure area, including removing derelict floats, buildings, and assorted mixed waste.
- Installation of 307m2 square feet of new concrete docks, aluminum quad accessible gangway, and timbered standing wharf (includes meeting platform).
- The new floats will provide a much-needed 100m of additional moorage.
- The standing wharf, gangway, and docks system will be quad-accessible.
- The new floats, gangway, and standing wharf will provide moorage and emergency access to the upland for first responders, residents and public members.
- Approximately 15m of the new floats will be designated seaplane accessible for emergency and non-emergency services.
- Reconstruction of approximately 213m2 of boardwalk, elevated deck and standing wharf that provides access to the Government Wharf to the north and the upland from the proposed concrete docks.
- Reconstruction of the Historic Surge Narrows Store Building (111m2) to function as a new community meeting place, trading facility and storage area. The building will be accessible to residents and public of all abilities.
- The building will provide service amenities such as washroom facilities which area currently not provided.
- The building will provide much needed dry storage space for items brought the community by boat.
- A cell phone booster will provide cellular service to the site.
- Completion of all preliminary and ancillary assessments, permits, authorizations, etc. to complete the above scope of work.
The total budget for this project is $2,752,800, funded in part with a $1,995,004 grant from the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Fund — Rural and Northern Communities (ICIF RNC).
Next Steps
Conceptual drawings and plans have been developed, and a preliminary field review of the remaining structures has been completed by an engineering consultant. SRD staff are working to retain several consultants and contractors to assist with the planning, permitting and design aspects of the project.
- SNMR Project Overview – ICIP Grant Application
- SNMR Project Plan with Conceptual
- Artists Full Conceptual Colour
- Surge Store Building Rendering – Front View
- Surge Store Building Photo – Front View
- Surge Narrows Building Photo – Side View
Get Involved!
Join us at the Surge Narrows Bunkhouse to learn more and share your thoughts.
Surge Narrows Marine Revitalization Project Community Lunch
Tuesday, October 17th from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm.
- Presentation of Conceptual Plan and Budget
- Discussion
- Project Timeline
- Q&A
- Creation of Subcommittee
- Next Steps
Please contact Aniko Nelson – SRD Senior Manager, Community Services – 250-830-6708 |