SRD Woodchips Application
The SRD intends to offer free residential driveway wood chipping services again in September 2023, funded through the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) FireSmart Community Funding & Supports grant. This grant requires that all residue from the chipping process be deposited in an approved landfill site.
The SRD plans to offer free curbside wood debris chipping services to:
- All road-accessible properties in Electoral Area A
- All road-accessible properties in Electoral Area D
Additionally, a chipper will be staged at the Surge Narrows Bunkhouse on Read Island for residents to bring their woody debris to.
The UBCM will inform the SRD in April 2023 if the SRD’s grant application for this service was successful. The SRD has been made aware of concerns over the current UBCM policy regarding wood waste disposal as some residents would like to see the woodchips kept in their community rather than have them transported to another location.
Therefore, the SRD is accepting proposals until 4:30 pm on April 28, 2023, from community organizations that would like to use the woodchips for public purposes and the measures that would be undertaken to ensure that the woodchips are not used within 100 meters of any residential structures. Examples of uses that may be approved include erosion control on public trails and use in ecosystem restoration projects.
Research into the role that different types of mulch and woody debris (i.e. wood chips) can play when influencing wildfire spread within a community supports a conservative approach to the redistribution of this material in proximity to structures. For example, in low fuel moisture conditions such as a high or extreme fire danger rating, the low fuel moisture conditions of both mulch and woody debris support a very high probability of ignition potential from fire brands (embers). Applying or re-distributing the woody debris within the community to be used around gardens and homes on smaller lots would not be consistent with core recommendations from Firesmart BC. In addition, wood chips dry out faster and stay dryer longer than bark mulch and therefore present a higher threat than bark mulch from a garden centre.
For more information about how to better FireSmart your home and property please visit
Please contact – Shaun Koopman, SRD Protective Services Coordinator 250-830-6702 |