Strathcona Accessibility and Inclusion Advisory Committee Details
Strathcona Accessibility and Inclusion Advisory Committee Purpose
- Assess, prevent, and remove barriers experienced by people with disabilities when accessing services, programs, and facilities at partnering public sector organizations.
- Work collaboratively to develop and implement a regional accessibility plan that is in compliance with the Accessible BC Act legislation.
- Review and update the regional accessibility plan every 3 years.
- Act as a resource and offer recommendations and information to partnering organizations on topics that affect the quality of life of community members with disabilities.
- Respond to referrals from partnering organizations regarding issues related to accessibility and inclusion.
- Provide advice regarding the development of organization policies, procedures and programs to ensure the inclusion of all residents, including those living with disabilities, are considered in relation to employment, transportation, the built environment, delivery of service, information and communication; and procurement.
- Monitor and report on progress toward achievement of actions identified in the Regional Accessibility Plan.
- Improve public awareness about accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities.
For more information or questions you may have, please contact accessibility@srd.ca | 250-830-6700