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Area C Active Transportation Network Plan

January 2025 UPDATE

The SRD is pleased to release the Draft ATNP which provides a strategy to improve active transportation conditions on Quadra Island and its connections to outer communities and beyond that align with the policy goals, objectives and targets that are most important to the community. The draft plan identifies priority network improvements to support people cycling, walking, and wheeling (including people with disabilities) to improve safety, remove or minimize barriers, and facilitate connectivity across the community.

Developed through engagement with the community, key interest groups, and First Nations, the ATNP includes the following:

  • Electoral Area C community profile
  • Existing active transportation conditions and infrastructure
  • Vision and goals for Electoral Area C’s active transportation network
  • Long-term active transportation network
  • Priority corridors and projects
  • Priority spot and infrastructure improvements
  • Funding and partnership opportunities

View the draft ATNP >>>

Share your feedback on the draft ATNP!

The SRD is conducting a second round of engagement to ensure the draft ATNP reflects the needs and aspirations of the community. Public input received will help refine the draft plan and prioritize projects for future investment, including the selection of one top priority project to apply for funding through the B.C. Active Transportation Infrastructure Grant program.

Area C residents are invited to participate in the following ways:

A survey is now available until January 31, 2025

Please take a few minutes to review the draft ATNP in advance of responding to the survey (approximately 10 minutes to complete). Please let others know about this survey.

  • Onlineclick here to begin >
  • Printed Version – Pick-up/Drop-off at Tru Value Foods on Quadra Island (available at Quathiaski Cove and Heriot Bay locations)
  • Mail – Strathcona Regional District – Planning Services, 990 Cedar St. Campbell River, BC V9W 7Z8

Attend a Community Engagement Session – Join us Wednesday, January 29, 2025

  • Drop-in Style Open House  |  5 – 8 pm at the Quadra Island Community Centre Hall (kid-friendly activities will also be available to keep little ones entertained)

Share your thoughts:

  • Email
  • Mail – Attn: SRD Planning Services Re: Area C ATNP, 990 Cedar Street, Campbell River BC V9W 7Z8

December 2024 UPDATE

The SRD is pleased to share two key deliverables from the first phase of the ATNP planning process that took place during the fall of 2024: the “What We Heard” Summary Report and a Current State Report. Both documents will feed into the development of the ATNP.

1. “What We Heard” Summary Report  |  View HERE  >

The “What We Heard” Summary Report is the collection of input received by Area C residents, key interest groups and local First Nations during the first round of engagement. Activities undertaken during this project phase were based on the following engagement objectives:

  • To inform community members of the purpose and potential outcomes of the Area C ATNP;
  • To engage residents, key interest groups and local First Nations in dialogue on active transportation challenges and opportunities, and to collect ideas on potential active transportation improvements; and
  • To ensure that the proposed networks and priority improvements within the ATNP are reflective of community needs, priorities, and ideas. .

Round one engagement activities included:

  • Community survey from Oct 15 – Nov 15
  • In-person open house at Quadra Island Community Centre on Oct 29
  • Individual meetings with key interest groups and local First Nations in dialogue on active transportation challenges and opportunities.

2. Current State Report  |  View HERE >

The Current State Report has been prepared to better understand Electoral Area C’s community profile and travel behaviours, existing active transportation conditions and infrastructure, and potential future directions to be explored through the ATNP process. The document also includes a comprehensive review of existing plans and policies in support of active transportation in Electoral Area C, and a summary of key takeaways resulting from the first round of engagement. The information contained in this document will inform subsequent planning and engagement activities and will ultimately shape the final ATNP.

Next Steps

The ATNP is currently being drafted and the SRD is aiming to make this available in January 2025. A second round of engagement will take place following the release of the draft ATNP to provide an opportunity for community members, key interest groups and local First Nations to provide feedback on the ATNP draft vision, goals and principles, and to prioritize active transportation projects for implementation.

Stay tuned for more information in January!

Active Transportation Network Plan Project Timeline

The Strathcona Regional District (SRD) is developing an Active Transportation Network Plan (ATNP) in Electoral Area C, with funding from the Province of BC’s Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants Program. The Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants Program supports the Province’s CleanBC commitment to increasing shares of trips by walking, cycling and transit and assists local governments in expanding their active transportation infrastructure for the enjoyment of multi-use pathways, protected bike lanes, pedestrian bridges, and safety improvements.

The Area C ATNP will provide direction on how to achieve improved active transportation conditions on Quadra Island and its connections to outer communities and beyond that align with the policy goals, objectives and targets that are most important to the community. The ATNP, in collaboration with community members and stakeholders, will identify priority network improvements to support people cycling, walking, and wheeling (including people with disabilities) to improve safety, remove and prevent barriers, and facilitate connectivity across the community.

The ATNP will be the first comprehensive active transportation plan for Area C, building on direction established in the 2007 Quadra Island Official Community Plan (OCP) and associated Quathiaski Cove Village Plan. Priority projects identified in this ATNP will be key inputs into a future Master Transportation Plan in Area C and will also help inform the upcoming Official Community Plan update.

What is active transportation?  

Active transportation consists of any form of human-powered transportation such as walking, cycling, or rolling (i.e. wheelchair or in-line skating). It can also include winter-based active modes, water-based active modes, and horseback riding, although these modes are typically more recreational in nature.

Active transportation strengthens opportunities to enhance access throughout Area C, most notably Quathiaski Cove Village, our waterfront, parks and trails, and neighbouring communities. It also creates opportunities for community interaction and fostering social connectedness and sense of place. Moreover, active transportation supports the goals to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with on-road transportation by replacing vehicle trips with walking, cycling, and rolling trips. This helps address a key goal of the Integrated Sustainability Plan and aligns with CleanBC. Additionally, active transportation supports road safety, physical activity and overall health, enhanced recreation and tourism opportunities for Area C residents, and reduced household costs by offering more cost-effective travel options for Area C residents.

What is the Active Transportation Network Plan?

The Active Transportation Network Plan is a strategic document developed to provide a roadmap of the goals and objectives for improving active transportation within the Area C community. The project process will involve identifying a vision and goals for active transportation, an envisioned long-term active transportation network, the type and design of active transportation facilities, and priorities for implementation and investment in new facilities.

 How will the Active Transportation Network Plan be used?

The ATNP will complement Electoral Area C’s unique geography and community characteristics, ensuring that current and future infrastructure supports active transportation modes, provides access to people or all ages and abilities, connects to neighbouring communities, is resilient to climate change, and protects the rural character.

 The Active Transportation Network Plan will inform priorities and guide investment in active transportation throughout Electoral Area C. It will inform capital planning and public investment in infrastructure, as well as guide community efforts and any land development toward providing desired active transportation facilities. It will assist in collaboration with adjacent jurisdictions and transportation service providers, as well as communicate the community’s priorities for active transportation infrastructure to Provincial and Federal funding agencies to help strengthen future partnerships and support grant applications.


Please contact SRD Planning Services at 250-830-6718  |

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