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City to hire a full-time Deputy Fire Chief – Safety and Training, funded by the SRD

The City of Campbell River (the City) and the Strathcona Regional District (SRD) recently signed a service agreement that will see the City hire a full-time Deputy Fire Chief – Safety and Training, which will be fully funded by the SRD.

This position will add capacity to the City of Campbell River Fire Department (CRFD) to better support training, logistics, maintenance, performance management and more, while also enabling the City to provide administrative support to fire departments within the SRD.

“This opportunity, which was made possible through funding provided by the Strathcona Regional District, will enhance the safety of Campell River residents, SRD residents and firefighters,” says City Manager, Elle Brovold. “The Deputy Chief – Safety and Training will provide support to numerous fire departments, while also focusing on training and safety needs for the City of Campbell River Fire Department.”

This full-time Deputy Chief will be a part of the CRFD Administration team and will:

  • provide administrative support to the Cortes Island, Quadra Island, Oyster River, Village of Gold River, Village of Sayward, Village of Tahsis and Village of Zeballos fire departments as needed,
  • manage the CRFD training program, working with the Training Officer,
  • assist with logistics around facilities, equipment and apparatus,
  • work closely with the CRFD Joint Health and Safety Committee, and
  • be included in the CRFD Duty Officer rotation to bolster operations.

“This partnership represents our commitment to public safety in all our communities by strengthening fire safety training, administration and logistics through collaboration of resources from across the region. Partnerships such as this show how local governments can work together and find ways to deliver services in the most cost-efficient manner” said David Leitch, CAO, Strathcona Regional District.

For more information on the CRFD, visit

For information on SRD fire protection services, visit

To apply, visit



Elle Brovold, City Manager, City of Campbell River | 250-286-5709 |

David Leitch, Chief Administrative Officer, Strathcona Regional District | 250-830-6701 |