Electoral Area C Short Term Rental Survey – Desolation Sound Rural Land Use Bylaw Area
In accordance with new legislation (Short-Term Rental Accommodation Act), local governments now have an opportunity to amend respective land use bylaw to align with provincial regulations. The province defines a Short-Term Rental as “the service of accommodation in the property of a property host, in exchange for a fee, that is provided to members of the public for a period of time of less than 90 consecutive days.” Also called “vacation rentals,” this land use is often facilitated by apps such as AirBnB or VRBO.
Land use in Electoral Area C is regulated through both Bylaw #1213, being the Quadra Island Zoning Bylaw, 1990, and Bylaw #1460, being the Electoral Area ‘J’ — Desolation Sound Rural Land Use Bylaw, 1993. In both bylaws, Short-Term Rentals (STRs) have historically been considered a commercial use and given the current language contained within the Rural Land Use Bylaw, are only permitted in commercial zones where a resort or other tourist accommodation is permitted. An amendment is currently in process to consider permitting Short-Term Rentals in all residential zones within the Quadra Island Zoning Bylaw, as informed by a community survey for Quadra Island residents which occurred in March 2024.
To inform an amendment to the Rural Land Use Bylaw, the SRD would like the input of outer Island residents regarding how best to regulate Short-Term Rentals while balancing the needs of all community members in the Desolation Sound Rural Land Use area.
Please fill out the short survey to make sure your voice is heard at srd.ca/str-desolation-sound.
Survey Closes August 23rd, 2024