Strathcona Regional Accessibility Plan Approved
In recognition of National AccessAbility Week (May 26-June 2, 2024), the SRD is pleased to announce the approval of the Strathcona Accessibility Plan.
In recognition of National AccessAbility Week (May 26-June 2, 2024), the Strathcona Regional District (SRD) is pleased to announce the approval of the Strathcona Accessibility Plan.
The Accessible BC Act, enacted in British Columbia, mandates that public organizations establish Accessibility Committees, develop and publish Accessibility Plans, and provide public feedback mechanisms to identify and address accessibility barriers. In response, the SRD partnered with The City of Campbell River, the Village of Sayward, the Village of Zeballos, the Village of Tahsis, the Village of Gold River, Vancouver Island West School District 84, and the Vancouver Island Regional Library to establish the Strathcona Accessibility and Inclusion Advisory Committee (SAIAC), develop an Accessibility Plan and implement the feedback mechanism.
The Strathcona Accessibility and Inclusion Advisory Committee (SAIAC) was established in 2023. Volunteer members from across the region were appointed to the committee and provided feedback on the plan before endorsing it.
“I am honoured to serve as the chair of the accessibility committee”, stated Susan Sinnott. “The committee, representing a diverse range of voices is passionate about creating an inclusive region. The approved accessibility plan marks the first step towards making our region and public institutions more inclusive for everyone.”
The development of this initial Strathcona Accessibility Plan provides a guide to improve inclusivity and accessibility within the region. The plan was approved at the April 24, 2024 SRD Board meeting.
An important component of improving accessibility in the region is knowledge of the barriers those with disabilities experience. With the help of an online feedback mechanism, residents from throughout the region can provide information regarding barriers they have experienced or witnessed when accessing public services, programs and facilities. The SAIAC populated a list of barriers experienced, the public is also invited to add to this list through the feedback mechanism.
The partners of the Strathcona Regional Accessibility Plan and the SAIAC will prioritize the identified barriers, work to eliminate them, and report on the progress to do so. The Strathcona Accessibility Plan will be updated at least once every three years.
The plan and feedback mechanism are located at
For more information about National AccessAbility Week (NAAW)
Media Contact: Renée LaBoucane – SRD Manager of Strategic Initiatives
250-830-6711 |