CSWM Regional Organics Composting Facility
Seeking Input from Residents about New Regional Composting Facility
Seeking Input from Residents about New Regional Composting Facility
Planning is underway for a new regional composting facility at the Campbell River Waste Management Centre and residents are invited to provide their input and learn more about the project over the next month.
A new online engagement portal, complete with survey, will help the Comox Strathcona Waste Management Service (CSWM) better understand what is important to residents during the design phase of the project. The survey will be open until February 10, 2020.
The community can also provide feedback and meet the project team at one of two open houses taking place at the Maritime Heritage Centre in Campbell River.
Please note these will be held in the Thulin Room which is accessible from the lighthouse entrance. These open houses will be held on:
Thursday January 30 & Wednesday February 5, 2020
4:00 – 6:00 pm | Maritime Heritage Centre, Thulin Room
Questions or comments?
Contact the Comox Strathcona Waste Management Service (CSWM)
Tel: 250-334-6016 | Toll Free: 1-800-331-6007 or by Email