Find out more about SRD's sewage system & emergency contacts.
Quathiaski Cove Sewer Service
The Quathiaski Cove Sanitary Sewerage System is a sewage system located on the west side of Quadra Island, specifically at Quathiaski Cove. It is owned and operated by the Strathcona Regional District. The system serves approximately 216 property owners by collecting, treating, and disposing of sewage.
The establishment of the system was a result of a voter-approved referendum in 1992/93. On May 30, 1994, the service was formally established through the passing of Bylaw No. 1588. This bylaw outlines the processes involved in the collection, conveyance, treatment, and disposal of sewage for the lands within the Local Service Area. The provision of sewer service is currently governed by Bylaw No. 173 , known as the Quathiaski Cove Sewer Rates and Regulations Bylaw 2013.
In late 2017, an extension of the system was successfully completed, allowing an additional 43 properties to be connected. This extension was in line with the community’s sustainability goals, particularly in protecting the environment and supporting the development of a village hub in the Quathiaski Cove area.
To ensure the financial stability of the service and to achieve the objectives outlined in the Quathiaski Cove Village Plan, it is crucial that all properties within the service area, where possible, are connected to the sewer system.
Please note that new connections and connecting an additional dwelling to the sewer system requires submission of the an application to connect and payment of applicable fees. Please contact SRD Engineering if you have any questions at engineering@srd.ca or 250-830-6700.
Map of the Quathiaski Cove Sewer Service Area and Collection System.
(Click on map to zoom in)
Planning for the Future
The wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) used in the sewer service was purchased second-hand in 1994 as a starting point. It utilizes a Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) as its main component. RBCs with a short shaft design, like the one in QCove, typically have a lifespan of 25-30 years before experiencing significant failures. With the WWTP now at 29 years old, it is approaching the end of its operational life. Fortunately, the equipment has performed better than expected in recent years, but the risks of irreversible failures are becoming more realistic. Since the beginning of 2023, two breakdowns of the Rotating Biological Contactor have occurred, and it is anticipated that the frequency, impact on operations, and repair costs of such breakdowns will increase. Additionally, the pumps responsible for moving the effluent through the treatment system and the roof of the electrical building also require replacement.
Moving forward, the goal of the Strathcona Regional District (SRD) is to replace the existing plant in order to improve the treatment capacity to meet current demands and plan for potential future expansion of the service area. In 2021, the SRD applied for a grant to assist with the funding of this replacement but was unsuccessful. The SRD will continue to apply for future grant opportunities, although most grants require a financial contribution from the applicants. By increasing the service’s reserves, the SRD will be better prepared to finance the new treatment plant, cover major repair costs in the interim, or contribute to the project if an infrastructure grant is awarded.
User Rate Increases
he cost of delivering the Community Sewer Service is recovered through user fees, which need to be increased when the predicted service costs exceed the current user fee rates. This includes the provision for operating costs and funding for the capital plans for asset replacement or renewal of sewer infrastructure.
The rates from 2010 to 2020 followed an erratic trajectory, with rate reductions in 2011, 2013 & 2014. This management approach relied on the accumulated surplus to fund the operations and a very limited capital reserve, given the potential replacement cost of the infrastructure. The fees were updated in 2020, when they were increased by 38%, from $575 to $795 for residential users.
All six fee classifications will increase by approximately 19% in 2023 to prepare the service for necessary upgrades and future capital projects.
Considering the cost escalation seen by other infrastructure project in our region, the fees were increased by 3.5% in 2024. New Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is essential to maintaining effective operations and improving the health of the service. Given the anticipated rise in replacement costs for the WWTP, this funding will support the goal of increasing resources for the WWTP’s replacement and help uphold our shared commitment to community well-being and waste management initiatives.
Despite last year’s increase, further adjusting the fees will help save for future replacement and provide funds for interim repairs to maintain the functionality of the existing system.
View – 2024 – Letter to Residents
View – Summer 2023 – Letter to Residents
Quathiaski Cove Sewer System Capacity Study
April 28, 2023 – The SRD is pleased to announce that our application for a capacity study to the Quathiaski Cove Wastewater Treatment Plant under the Local Government Grant Act was successful, and we were awarded $10,000.
The objectives of the study included the following:
- Update the sewage treatment plant daily discharge volumes and rainfall graphics to present
- Review of sewage flows to estimate average and maximum day inflow & infiltration
- Development of design flows average and maximum per day
- Review of gravity main capacity vs design flows, and identification of mains require upgrading
- Comparison of design flows to treatment capacity and sewage discharge permit licenced limits
- Review of outfall capacity vs design flows
- Development of future development scenarios and projection of when discharge permit limits might be reached
- Final report with recommendations
The Regional District continues to seek funding opportunities to replace the Quathiaski Cove Sewer System and ensure the long-term sustainability of the community.
View – Q Cove Sewer Capacity Review >>
View – Q Cove Wastewater Study Approval Letter >
Q Cove Sewer Payments
The following methods of payment are accepted:
- Email billing – Please contact utilities@srd.ca or 250-830-6717 to receive utility invoices by email.
- Online banking – Available using your financial institution’s bill payment service.
- Mailed cheque – Cheques with detachable portion of bill can be mailed to 301-990 Cedar St., Campbell River, B.C. V9W 7Z8. Cheques can be postdated to the due date.
- In person payment – Visit the SRD Customer Service Centre, 990 Cedar St., Campbell River, B.C. and pay by debit card, Visa, Mastercard, cheque or cash.
Q Cove Sewer Contacts
- Sewer Rates & Budget Inquiries – 250.830.6700 | utilities@srd.ca
- Sewer Connections, Concerns & Questions – 250.830.6700 | engineering@srd.ca
- Emergency – Sanitary Sewer & Water Contact Information:
SRD Engineering Services: – 990 Cedar St. Campbell River
(8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Monday to Friday): 250-830-6719 - After Hours (Evenings and Weekends): 1-866-460-3652