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SRD Invites Businesses to Attend a Free Disaster Recovery Information Session

Monday March 9th at the Maritime Heritage Centre from 5:30 - 7:30 pm

Campbell River, BC – The Strathcona Regional District (SRD) would like to invite local businesses to an event on Monday March 9th that will assist businesses with navigating the disaster recovery process and help them build a recovery plan.

“This event will provide important information on what businesses need to do before, during and after a major disaster to ensure a rapid recovery. Businesses are important members of our community, contributing to our economy and providing jobs, goods and services.” says Strathcona Regional District Chair Michele Babchuk. “They also have a critical role to play in our community’s recovery if a large-scale emergency occurs. We would also like to thank all the presenters who offered their in-kind contribution for the night to support this session”.

“This event addresses the insurance and post disaster planning recommendations for businesses and organizations, so they can choose what tools and steps make the most sense for them. We encourage all local businesses and organizations to take advantage of this FREE event to ensure they make a complete recovery after a disaster” says Mary Ruth Snyder, Campbell River and District Chamber of Commerce Executive Director. “This evening is primarily about the post-disaster period and what businesses and organizations can expect, and how best to prepare”.

The SRD will host this event on Monday March 9th at the Maritime Heritage Centre located at 621 Island Highway, Campbell River. Doors will open at 4:45 pm and light refreshments will be provided. The event will run from 5:30 -7:30 pm and will feature the following topics and presentations:

  • Emergency Planning for Businesses
  • Protecting Your Business, Insurance Industry Updates
  • Insurance Claims and Processes
  • RCMP Inspector Preston & Fire Chief Doherty
  • Question and Discussion Period

This event is a partnership between BC Hydro, Campbell River and District Chamber of Commerce, City of Campbell River, Campbell River Futures, Immigrant Welcome Centre, Volunteer Campbell River and Strathcona Regional District.

For more information about the Strathcona Emergency Program, visit or contact Shaun Koopman, SRD Protective Services Coordinator at 250-830-6702 or

The Strathcona Regional District is a partnership of four electoral areas and five municipalities providing services to approximately 44,000 residents.


Media contact:
Shaun Koopman, SRD Protective Services Coordinator
250-830-6702  |